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ENS4Care Partners

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1. European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) – Belgium
The EFN was established in 1971. The EFN represents 36 National Nurses Associations and its work has an effect on the daily work of 6 million nurses throughout the European Union and Europe. The EFN is the independent voice of the nursing profession and its mission is to strengthen the status and practice of the profession of nursing for the benefit of the health of the citizens and the interests of nurses in the EU & Europe. The EFN was the project coordinator of the ENS4Care Thematic Network, leading WP1 – Project Coordination and Management of the consortium.

2. C3 Collaborating for Health (C3) – UK
C3 was established in 2009 and its mission consists of bringing people together to design ways to make life healthier and put ideas into actions though prevention. The specific contribution of C3 to ENS4Care was crucial as they are committed to raising awareness, engaging and educating health professionals, citizens and communities, and creating opportunities for knowledge sharing and best practice exchange locally, nationally and internationally. C3 (Ms Christine Hancock) led WP2 – Guidelines: ICT enabled Health Coaching in Prevention.

3. Danish Nurses’ Organisation (DNO) – Denmark
DNO is a trade union in Denmark representing 95% of all nurses, with a membership of 74000. DNO is chair of the Nordic Federation and is a member of EPSU and PSI. DNO’s objective is to safeguard members’ employment and professional interests and rights. DNO was part of initiating tele-health services and development of guidelines through the National Technical Standard System ensuring regional and local guidelines with high quality and uniformity. DNO (Ms Tine Lyngholm) led WP3 – Guidelines: ICT enabled Integrated Care: Clinical Practice.

4. Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (HMUAS) – Finland
HMUAS is one of the most international universities of applied sciences in Finland. In the Faculty of Health Care and Nursing they educate health care professionals and provide education services for lifelong learning as well as undertake research, development and innovation activities supporting regional development. Its goal is to be a multifaceted expert of health care, a strong supporter of lifelong learning as well as an acknowledged expert of evidence-based practice and a developer of learning environments. In the Faculty there are about 2.500 students. HMUAS (Ms Marianne Sipilä) led WP4 – Guidelines: ICT enabled Integrated Care: Advanced Practitioner in Nursing and Social Care, and provided evidence based knowledge on the benefits of the Advance Nurse Practitioner.

5. Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) – Ireland
The INMO provides a unified voice for the professions of nursing and midwifery in Ireland. INMO is striving to promoting patient health and safety, and raising concerns about key health issues. In the last years, Ireland has made of progress in the implementation and validation of nurse ePrescribing. Because of this experience INMO (Ms Elizabeth Adams) led the WP5 – Guidelines: ICT enabled Integrated Care: Nurse ePrescribing.

6. European Platform for Patients Organisations, Science and Industry (EPPOSI) – Belgium
Founded in 1994, EPPOSI is a multi-stakeholder think tank. Its goal is to work at the “cutting edge” of European health policy-making, providing high quality independent research, capacity-building, knowledge exchange with the aim of bridging the gap between innovation and improved public health outcomes. EPPOSI boasts of a membership including different stakeholder groups: patients’ organisations, science and industry. Their experience in the health sector and their broad membership, placed them  (Ms Jacqueline Bowman-Busato) in a powerful position to lead WP6 – Dissemination.

7. European Nursing Research Foundation (ENRF) – Belgium
The ENRF was established in 2013 with the aim of bridging research and policy-making and research and policy communities. It is a reference point in Brussels for nursing research, with the purpose of translating knowledge into health policy, with the final objective of providing knowledge and data to the policy-makers when planning reforming healthcare systems. ENRF (Ms Dorota Kilanska) led WP7 – Sustainability, with the final goal to provide the evidence for key political messages of the nursing community.

8. International Federation of Social Workers – Europe (IFSW-Europe) – Germany
IFSW-Europe represents the social care workers’ voice in the EU and Europe. Its involvement in the project will ensure that the fundamental link between social and healthcare dimensions is taken into account. IFSW-Europe is an active member of the Social Platform, the Platform of European Social NGOs. The organisation highlighted in its last Report the inclusion of a Social Pact in EU economic policies, supporting the creation of quality employment, and enabling the development of social services and social enterprises. IFSW-Europe actively participated in all WPs delivering guidelines, ensuring the important link between health and social care, taking into account all relevant aspects of the deployment of eHealth services by the social care workers.

9. Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) – UK
The NHSCT provides a broad range of health and social care services for people across different local council areas. Services are provided from nine different hospitals and a large number of community based settings including people’s own homes, day centres, health centres and residential care. The Trust is geographically the largest health and social care trust in Northern Ireland, operating from approximately 150 locations and providing services to a population of 459,000 people.

10. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) – UK
The RCN is a union membership organisation with over 395,000 members in the United Kingdom. Most members are registered nurses, but student nurses and healthcare assistants are also admitted. The RCN describes its mission as representing nurses and nursing, promoting excellence in practice and shaping health policies. It has a network of stewards, safety representatives and union learning representatives as well as advice services for members. In the last years they have developed lot of expertise in the deployment of telehealth services, creating also several guidelines for nurses. Their contribution specifically embedded in the WPs related to the guidelines, bringing in their experience in prevention, clinical practice, skills development and ePrescribing.

11. Consociazione Nazionale delle Associazioni Infermiere – Infermieri (CNAI) – Italy
  was founded in 1946 as independent body representing nurses in Italy. Their main objectives are the promotion of initiatives aiming at improving the nursing education, next to strengthening the nursing research. CNAI is member of ICN and collaborates with other international bodies. Italy led the EU presidency in the second semester of 2014 and therefore CNAI was invited to organise an event in Italy during this period to present the project and launch key political messages.

12. Ordem dos Enfermeiros (OE) – Portugal
The OE is a public association established in 1998, free and autonomous, competent authority and representative of nursing and midwifery graduates who practice in Portugal, in compliance with the principles of their constitution and the applicable legislation. As the regulatory body, the OE plays a key role in advancing the nursing profession in Portugal, especially as regards the education, new skills and responsibilities and fostering and advancing the nursing practice towards improvements in quality of healthcare delivered. The main aim of the OE is to promote the defence of the quality of nursing care rendered to the population, as well as to develop, regulate and control the practice of nursing and midwifery, guaranteeing that ethical and professional deontology rules are respected.

13. Nieuwe Unie’91 (NU’91) – The Netherlands
NU’91 is a Dutch professional association of about 22.000 nurses and carers. NU’91 is engaged in the promotion of the profession substantive interests and employment conditions of nurses and carers. NU’91 is committed to the professionalism and independence of the nursing profession. NU’91 is actively promoting the image and appreciation of the profession, the quality of the nursing/nursing education and legal rules and frameworks. In the last years they have progressed a lot in the promotion of advanced roles and nurse ePrescribing. Its successful experience provided positive inputs to the EN4Care discussions and achievements.

14. European Institute of Women´s Health (EIWH) – Ireland
The EIWH includes people and organisation with expertise and interest in women’s health. Its mission is to promote health throughout the lifespan, to ensure quality and equity in health policy and care and to campaign for gender-specific research. As 90% of nurses are women, their active participation in the project provided useful inputs to the discussions, focusing on the gender issue.

15. Fundación Salud y Sociedad – Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud (FSS) – Spain
FSS is an entity promoted by the Spanish General Council of Nursing with the aim of fostering and promoting collaborating and exchange programmes on cooperating and development, and fostering the education on health sciences. Within the Foundation, but linked to the University Complutense in Madrid, the School on Health Sciences was created in December 1989 as a centre focused to promote the further development and education of health workforce through the establishment of research and management programmes. Since then, the School has offered different educational activities in several fields having reached more than 298.000 students.

16. European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) – Belgium
UEMO is an organisation of the most representative national, nongovernmental, independent organisations representing general practitioners in the countries of Europe. Founded in 1967 by the national organisations in Belgium, France, Germany, Holland and Italy, the Union quickly grew to encompass organisations from all the current Member States of the European Union as well as from the countries of the European Free Trade Association and other European countries. Its Secretariat is run in Brussels by Squaris. Their main objectives are to defend the role of general practitioners in the healthcare systems, providing united views of the members. UEMO was in charge of giving advice during the lifetime project from the medical prospective.

17. European Association Working for Carers (Eurocarers) – Luxembourg
EUROCARERS brings together organisations representing carers and those involved in research and development and aims to support carers, contribute to policy developments and collaborate with other interest groups at EU level. The role of carers is more crucial than ever due to demographic changes and challenges to formal health and social care services throughout Europe and the introduction of ICT tolls go to shape also their daily work. Their active contribution in ENS4Care made sure that the carers’ perspective was embedded along the project and its outcomes.

18. Association of Patients with Cancer and friends (APOZ) – Bulgaria
The aim of APOZ and friends is to develop the community service in healthcare, particularly oncological diseases. To assist and support all people with cancer during their treatment, to support them with medicines and consumables, learn them to eat healthy food, supporting the poor, the disabled and those people with cancer who need care. Key activities related to rehabilitation, adaptation, training, health and social management of patients living with cancer, and its prevention and successful treatment. Organizing awareness campaigns and early intervention activities are core priorities. APOZ and friends also represent people living with cancer and protect their human rights in front of state and local municipal institutions. APOZ and friends were the patients’ representative in the consortium, providing inputs coming from their point of view.

19. European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) – Belgium
is the Europe’s leading NGO advocating for better health. Their membership involves public health NGOs, patient groups, health professionals and disease groups working together to improve health and strengthen the voice of public health in Europe. Representing civil society, their main values relate to equity, sustainability and diversity. Due to their broad network and expertise EPHA contributed especially in the Dissemination process.

20. Cittadinanzattiva (ACN) – Italy
Cittadinanzattiva is an Italian non-profit organisation founded in 1978. Their main objectives are the promotion of civic participation and the protection of citizens’ rights in Italy and in Europe. The fields in which Cittadinanzattiva is particularly active are health, with the Tribunal for Patients’ Rights, education and training and European citizenship, with Active Citizenship Network. Their particular commitment to civil society gave emphasis on the equity concept.

21. 1.6&2.6 Million Club (1.6&2.6) – Sweden
1.6 Million Club was founded in 1998 by Alexandra Charles together with several well-known medical experts. The name “1.6 Million Club” comes from the number of women over the age of 45 in Sweden in 1998. In 2009 the 2.6 Million Club for ages 18 to 45 was established, devoted to highlighting young women’s health and lifestyle issues. The purpose of the organization is to raise awareness concerning women’s health and lifestyle issues, focusing on women’s primary risk: Heart and blood-related illnesses. There is a growing understanding for a gender-sensitive approach to health issues. As more than 90% of nurses are women, their sensitivity on gender issue gave the necessary gender component into the outcomes of ENS4Care.

22. The European Coordination Committee of Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT industry (COCIR) – Belgium
COCIR is a non-profit trade association, founded in 1959, representing the voice of the European Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry, for respecting the quality and effectiveness of medical devices and healthcare IT systems, without compromising the safety of patients and users. Dealing with telehealth and telecare, the industrial point of view contributed to get a full comprehensive vision of the process and of the results.

23. Continua Health Alliance (Continua) – Belgium
is a non-profit, open industry organisation of healthcare and technology companies joining together in collaboration to improve the quality of personal healthcare. It is dedicated to establishing a system of interoperable personal connected health solutions with the knowledge that extending these solutions into the home fosters independence empowers individuals and provides the opportunity for truly personalised health and wellness management. Dealing with integrated care and telehealth services, the advice of CONTINUA became fruitful for a comprehensive debate.

24. Microsoft – Belgium
is an American multinational software corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services related to computing. It is very active in the health sector, working every day with health organisations, communities and partners around the works to help improving health systems. Microsoft contributed to the project providing expertise and feedback from the ICT industry perspective and giving logistic and technological support by using ICT equipment in facilitating videoconferencing and workshops in the Microsoft Brussels Office.