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European Union Network for Patient Safety (EUNetPaS)

Coordinated by the HAS (Haute Autorité de la Santé – France) and co-financed by the European Commission (PHEA), this 30 months project will mobilise 27 EU countries and the main EU civil society stakeholders (including EFN, CPME, EPF, PGEU and HOPE).

Its main objective is: to produce an European added value of Member States collaboration by mutual support, transfer of knowledge, and good practice and exchange of ideas and materials for accelerating progress in Patient Safety; and set up a pan european network for patient safety, involving stakeholders and organised around national nodes or coordinators which will be the ultimate beneficiaries of the outputs of EUNetPaS.

As Associated Partner, the EFN is being involved in the Working Packages on “Patient Safety Culture” (WP1), “Education and Training” (WP2), “Field Testing on Medication Errors” (WP4), and “Evaluation of the Project” (WP10).

The project was officially launched on 28-29 February 2008, in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and will run until September 2010.

WP2 Deliverables

EUNetPaS project FIRST Newsletter (February 2009)