EFN Guideline to implement Article 31
into national nurses’ education programmes
Following the review of the Directive on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC) an amended version (Directive 2013/55/EU) was adopted in 2013, including in article 31 a set of 8 competences that set the minimum educational requirements for nurses responsible for general care. These are mandatory, legally speaking! As such, the 28 EU Member States need to ensure they are implemented at national level by 18 January 2016.
Taking that into account, the EFN members adopted in April 2015 the EFN Competency Framework which describes the competences required to nurses responsible for general care, aiming at being used by the National Nurses Associations to encourage and guide the nursing schools at national level to implement the competences listed under Article 31 of the Directive.
To read the EFN Competency Framework, click here.
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