Launched in January 2009 and running until 2011, this EHMA project – Health Professional Mobility in the European Union Study (HEALTH PROMeTHEUS), funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7), is aiming to make a significant contribution to future thinking on the movement of health professionals in the European Union, by focussing on the mobility of health professionals moving to, from and within Europe for work and other reasons.
Its main objective is to address gaps in information on health professionals’ mobility to be able to generate recommendations for more effective human resources’ policies. The study is seeking to better understand existing patterns of professional mobility and the organizational, contextual and personal factors that push and pull staff across borders, and is taking into account the positive and negative impacts of mobility to map the international, national and organizational initiatives that seek to manage it better.
Involved in this 3-year EU project with an advisory role, along with DG Sanco, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (WHO/OBS), Hungarian Ministry of Health, IOM, OECD, CPME, WHO and WHA, the EFN participated in an advisory board meeting held on 6 December 2011, in Brussels, where the participants were updated on the project, its main objectives and deliverables, and were informed on the views of advisory board members in preparation of the European Workforce Conference, in Brussels, on 7-9 December.