by efn efn

Nurse Forecasting: Human Resources Planning in Nursing

The aim of  this 3 year project is to address deficiencies in forecasting models (which impact on nurse recruitment and retention, productivity, and patients’ outcomes) and improve resources planning in Europe, starting working with the existing systems of planning resources and then will include planning models for Patient Safety.

The project partners (consisting of 11 EU countries – Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, UK; and 4 outside Europe – China, South-Africa, Botswana and USA) will collect data on general acute hospitals, which employ the majority of nurses, account for the largest number of consequential medical errors, and comprise the largest share of national health expenditures.

The EFN will take part in this project as member of the Advisory Board.

This project started in the beginning of 2009.