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To view the full list of EFN members click here.

The EFN Membership is constituted by Members and Observers:

  • EFN Members – The EFN members are drawn from the National Nurses’ Associations from the twenty-seven EU Member States + UK, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Albania which are in membership of the European Union and/or of the Council of Europe.
  • EFN Observers – The EFN Observers are the International Council of Nurses (ICN), the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the European Nursing Students Association (ENSA).

The EFN members meet twice a year (in Spring & Autumn) for a two days General Assembly, where important issues related to the EFN lobby work that can influence the nurses and the nursing profession at EU and national levels are discussed and decisions taken.