Here you find an overview of EFN Input to the EU Institutions, since 2005.
- EU Climate Pact activities (August 2024)
- Open Consultation Delegated Act for the revision of the Annexe V of DIR 2013/55/EU (January 2024)
- Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) – review (January 2024)
- Public Consultation on Stakeholders’ Targeted Consultation EU4Health Annual Work Programme 2024 (April 2023)
- Public consultation on the European Year of Skills 2023 (November 2022)
- Public consultation on EHDS (July 2022)
- Public consultation on Brain drain (May 2022)
- Public Consultation on Long-Term Care (March 2022)
- Public Consultation AMR – recommendation for greater action
(February 2022) - Public consultation on education for environmental sustainability
(July 2021) - Public consultation on Healthcare expenditure and financing – EU statistics
(May 2021) - Evaluation of Patient Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare
(May 2021) - Public Consultation on European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)
(May 2021) - Public consultation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
(May 2021) - Public consultation on the Green Paper on Ageing
(April 2021) - European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) Roadmap
(February 2021) - Public consultation on EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work
(January 2021) - Public consultation on the European health data space inception impact assessment
(January 2021) - Public consultation on the European Pillar of Social Rights – Have your say on reinforcing Social Europe
(November 2020) - FRA consultation with Fundamental Rights Platform organisations on the impact of measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic
(November 2020) - Health & Safety at Work – EU Strategic Framework (2021-2027)
(November 2020) - The Child Guarantee Targeted Consultations Questionnaire
(November 2020) - Pact for Skills – Stakeholders’ survey
(September 2020) - Public Consultation on Maximising accessibility of research results in the fight against COVID-19
(September 2020) - Public consultation on European Medicines Agencies Network Strategy to 2025
(July 2020) - New Digital Education Action Plan Public Consultation
(July 2020) - EU Survey on the Pharmaceutical Strategy -Timely patient access to affordable medicines
(June 2020) - WHO Regional Office for Europe – Online open written consultation on the European Programme of Work
(June 2020) - Open Public Consultation: New EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
(June 2020) - European Strategy for data
(May 2020) - Consultation of civil society organisations and rights defenders on the new European Commission Strategy on the effective application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU
(April 2020) - Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach
(April 2020) - Public consultation on the Commission’s Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
(March 2020) - Women in Politics: overcoming the gender gap
(March 2020) - Gender equality & women’s rights worldwide – 2021-25 action plan
(March 2020) - Orientations first two years proposed Digital Europe programme
(October 2019) - Horizon Europe Co-design – Implementation
(August 2019) - Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024
(August 2019) - European Partnership for innovative health
(August 2019) - Decade proposal on Healthy Ageing (2020-2030)
(July 2019) - Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024
(July 2019) - The role of project coordinators in Framework Programme projects
(June 2019) - Consultation on the ECDC European Antibiotic Awareness Day
(August 2018) - EU Consultation on the Future of Europe
(May 2018) - Consultation on the WHO Independent High-Level Commission on Non-communicable diseases Draft Report
(May 2018) - Public Consultation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases
(February 2018) - Public Consultation on Transformation Health & Care in the Digital Single Market
(August 2017) - Smart Specialisation: a fresh approach to European growth and jobs through regional innovation strategies
(March 2017) - Interim evaluation of the Joint Undertakings operating under Horizon 2020
(February 2017) - EU survey ‘Mid-term evaluation of the Third Health Programme (2014-2020)’
(January 2017) - Public stakeholder consultation – Interim evaluation of Horizon 2020
(January 2017) - Mid-term evaluation of the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) (November 2016)
- DG Research consultation on the upcoming 2018-2020 EU Research program (June 2016)
- EFN input to the Public stakeholder consultation on next phase of EU-US cooperation in eHealth/Health IT (March 2016)
- EFN input to the consultation on possible priorities for research and innovation for 2016-17 (Horizon 2020) (July 2014)
- EFN input to EC Public Consultation on the Green Paper on Mobile Health
(July 2014) - EFN input to EC Public Consultation on Primary Care (April 2014)
- EFN Input to the EU Public Consultation on “Towards a European Area of Skills and Qualifications” (April 2014)
- EFN input to the EU Public Consultation on Quality of Care and Patient Safety (February 2014)
- EFN input to the European Commission Consultation on the new EU Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health at Work (August 2013)
- EFN Letter to Michel Barnier on the European Professional Card (June 2013)
- EFN input to the European Commission Consultation on European Reference Networks (January 2013)
- EFN input to the European Commission Consultation on the Green Paper on Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive (September 2011)
- EFN input to the European Commission Consultation on eHealth Action Plan 2011-2020 (May 2011)
- EFN Input to the European Commission Consultation on the Green Paper on a common strategic framework for EU research and innovation funding (May 2011)
- EFN Input to the European Commission Consultation on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications Directive (March 2011)
- EFN input to the European Commission consultation on EU 2020 Healthy Ageing Partnership (January 2011)
- EFN input to the European Commission consultation on the future EU 2020 Strategy (January 2010)
- EFN input to the European Commission Consultation on the Green Paper on the EU Workforce for Health (March 2009)
- EFN letter to Commissioner Vladimir Spidla on Directive 2000/54/EC – Protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work (November 2008)
- EFN input to the High Level Patient Safety Working Group (September 2008)
- EFN input to the EU consultation on Medical Devices (June 2008)
- EFN input to WHO Ministerial Conference on Health Systems (June 2008)
- EFN Input to the European Commission consultation on “Patient Safety” (April 2008)
- EFN input to the European Commission consultation on “Information to Patients” (April 2008)
- EFN input to the European Commission 2nd stage consultation on needlesticks injuries (February 2008)
- EFN input to the consultation process “Gaps assessment for future SANCO action” (July 2007)
- Report of the Council of Europe Health Grouping to the European Health Committee (June 2007)
- EU Healthcare NGOs lobby action regarding the reintroduction of Health Services in the Services Directive (May 2007)
- EFN Input to the Committee of Ministers meeting – General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) (May 2007)
- Collaborative Input to the Tuning Nursing Brochure (March 2007 – updated 31 05 2007)
- EFN Input to the EU Consultation on needlesticks injuries (January 2007)
- EFN Input to the EU Consultation on Health Strategy (January 2007)
- EFN Input to the EU Consultation on Community Action on Health Services (January 2007)
- Memorandum of Understanding Stakeholder Approach (Council of Europe – January 2007)
- EFN Input to the High Level Group ‘Health Professionals’ on Continuous Professional Development (CPD) (June 2006)
- EFN Contribution to the Consultation on Pharmacovigilance – DG Enterprise (June 2006)
- Council of Europe – Recommendations Romanian Health NGOs (May 2006)
- EFN Contribution to the Consultation on Strategies for Improving Safety by Prevention and Control of Healthcare-associated Infections (February 2006)
- EFN Reaction to the European Transparency Initiative (December 2005)
- EFN input to the Consultation Process on Ageing and Mobility in the EU (October 2005)
- EFN Input to the Consultation on Health Investment in the EU (September 2005)