Home Other EFN news Healthcare Summit from Politico live “From pandemic to permacrisis? Europe’s next health care challenge” – 24-25 October 2023

Healthcare Summit from Politico live “From pandemic to permacrisis? Europe’s next health care challenge” – 24-25 October 2023

by efn efn
Published: Last Updated on

The pandemic may have receded in Europe but the sense of a health care crisis lingers. Multiple meaty challenges are around: medicines shortages, workforce fatigue, strained budgets, drug affordability, supply chain issues, an ageing population — and that’s on top of looming health threats like antimicrobial resistance, rising infectious diseases and climate change. EU’s ambitious European Health Union embodies solutions to many of these issues and aims to establish a robust crisis response system for new threats on the horizon.

With the 2024 European elections looming, pivotal health files including the pharmaceutical legislation, European Health Data Space and Substances of Human Origin are racing to be wrapped up. As the curtain falls on a game-changing few years in European health policy making, it’s time for a stocktake of where we are now and how to tackle the next challenge: Europe’s health care permacrisis.

POLITICO will bring together a stellar line-up of speakers, including EFN Secretary General, for a series of interviews and panel discussions, on 24-25 October 2023, in Brussels and online.

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