by efn efn

“CALL for InterOPErability” with the focus on eHealth.

CALLIOPE was initiated in June 2008 as a Thematic Network. It was set up by six health administrations, 13 competence centres, and nine EU level professional organisations which represent healthcare professionals, patients, and payers. During 2009, these partners have established an open co-operation platform that brings together all eHealth stakeholders (EFN was associated partner). It has been combined with the competences and expertise needed to produce value-added for decision-makers and to support the planning of EU-level actions.

The CALLIOPE collaboration platform facilitates the sustainability of a trusted, open, equitable, informed and transparent dialogue; it synthesises perspectives, opinions, and views; and it produces proposals that represent a balanced view and which are accompanied by a clear statement of the level of consensus that the proposals achieve. This process means that all stakeholders have an equal footing in CALLIOPE’s discussions. They have equal ownership of the process and its results. This combined approach is a major component of CALLIOPE’s clear added-value.

As part of its work programme, CALLIOPE has developed and validated a working methodology that enables considerable interaction and openness, and which also permits an outward-looking orientation towards the eHealth community.

View here the final report: Calliope Roadmap 2010.