Home Latest News Good working conditions need to lead the EU legislation

Good working conditions need to lead the EU legislation

by efn efn

This week EU Parliament Committees focus on important topics affecting the future of millions of EU workers and, as such, crucial for the nursing profession.

The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs focused on current legislative files key for delivering good working conditions. Namely they discussed the Commission Proposals on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union, and on work-life balance for parents and carers. During these debates, the MEPs raised the importance of having an appropriate work-life balance and ensuring proper remuneration for workers to reach such balance. MEPs also stressed how important it is protecting workers in times of change in the labour market due to digitalisation and automation.

The delivery of these objective is key to ensure a coherent implementation of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Therefore, it is crucial that the EU makes the most out of digitalisation, taking into account the challenges to be faced and involving frontline in this transition.

Another important topic discussed by the MEPs in the Public Health Committee concerned the sustainability of health systems. In this context, the EFN stresses that moving care to the community is key to support health quality and sustainability, and nurses advanced roles for nurses, such as nurse prescribing, are key to achieve such objective.