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Back to Brussels’ lobby work for 3 million EU nurses

by efn efn

Coming back from a nice summer break, it is now time to go back to the EU bubble and to lobby!

Taking back our work from where we left it, the EFN priority of the upcoming months will be ensuring that the principles enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights will be implemented to guarantee better access to health and social care to all EU citizens and to create fairer working conditions for 3 million nurses in the EU. The EFN is strongly committed to promote the role of frontline nurses to boost progress in key EU health and social care challenges such as continuity of care, health outcomes,  long-term care, and digitalisation.

The EFN aims that the EU Institutions and national governments continue engaging nurses in co-designing policies as frontline end-users delivering high quality and safe care, within a single market that strengthens health and social ecosystems within the EU and Europe.

To this purpose, the EFN will keep on lobbying the EU Institutions to support and promote the work of 3 million nurses in the EU by ensuring fair working conditions to make them deliver the best health and social care outcomes.