Home Latest News Blockchain to support continuity of care and its end-users: nurses

Blockchain to support continuity of care and its end-users: nurses

by efn efn

The OECD Blockchain Policy Forum highlighted important features of this emerging technology. If national governments have emphasised the potential benefits and risks of blockchain for our economies and societies, and what governments should do to realise this potential, when it comes to health and social care, blockchain presents strong opportunities for securely transferring essential health records to relevant health and social partners.

Nurses are key in putting a human face to blockchain as they can improve access and outcomes in a people-centred approach, ensuring continuity of care across primary and secondary health and social care sectors. Blockchain can greatly contribute to enable nurses delivering on access to health and social care through the digitalisation of health and social care. To this aim, blockchain needs to foster the integrated and continuity of care policies, supporting nurses to deliver safe and high quality of care.