Home Latest News Europe needs to offer new opportunities to its citizens

Europe needs to offer new opportunities to its citizens

by efn efn

During the State of the Union 2018 speech, the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, called for a Union that takes better care of its social dimension, stating that “Europe’s social dimension should be given the Cinderella treatment no more, but should instead be geared towards the future”.

The EFN strongly believes in the potential of the EU to deliver better quality of life for its citizens, but after a decade of social deprivation caused by the economic crisis, it is time for the EU leaders to enact concrete policies benefitting EU citizens.

This action is more than needed by the nursing community that, as emphasised by the EFN Secretary General Paul De Raeve during a conference in Poland, is suffering from hard working conditions that have substantially worsened due to cuts in salaries and jobs.

As stated by President Juncker “it is time we turn the good intentions that we proclaimed at the Gothenburg Social Summit into law”. EU nurses and citizens need it now!