Home Latest News Nurses call for a people-centred European Pillar of Social Rights

Nurses call for a people-centred European Pillar of Social Rights

by efn efn

The rights and principles enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights are crucial to shape and improve living conditions in the European society.

Among its 20 Principles, access to healthcare, right to quality and inclusive education, fair wages and right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, are of paramount importance for the nursing community.

To deliver on its initial objectives, the European Pillar of Social Rights must be developed for people and with people, focusing on people-centred policies that promote integrated approaches designed by frontline staff! To this aim, its principles should embrace the nurses, support them, and see them as co-designer of a ‘fit for purpose’ health and social care systems.

Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the Pillar implementation will pose as a primary objective the improvement of the life of EU citizens, including three million nurses, by concretely engaging in its co-design and implementation.