Home Latest News Slovakia welcomes the 108th EFN General Assembly

Slovakia welcomes the 108th EFN General Assembly

by efn efn

National representatives of 3 million EU nurses are meeting in Slovakia to hold the biannual EFN General Assembly on 11 and 12 October.

The EFN GA represents a crucial moment for the 36 EFN Members, that take the opportunity to share views and analyse the key political topics that are driving the EU agenda and discuss the nursing contribution, in addition to their impact on the nursing profession and the citizens of Europe.

Improving the quality of working conditions for nurses and ensuring that the workforce remains skilled and motivated are key priorities for the EFN. In this sense, the 108th EFN GA is a key occasion to reflect and elaborate on the needed actions to turn the European Pillar of Social Rights into a real added-value for the nursing profession.

During the meeting, the EFN Members will have the pleasure to host Lord Nigel Crisp, Board Co-Chair of the Nursing Now campaign, adding value to the nursing profession.

The EFN Members are strongly engaged to ensure that 3 million nurses’ contribution is valued and their involvement in EU policy-making is key to benefit patients and health systems.