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Promote stakeholders’ engagement to boost health policy!

by efn efn

The European Health Policy Platform Forum, bringing together over 100 participants from 67 organisations joining on-site and nearly 150 people following through the web streaming, reflected on the initiatives undertaken by the Commission to facilitate the dialogue and collaboration with and among health stakeholders.

A crucial theme for participants has been the importance to involve all stakeholders in the EU health policy making and ensure that health remains high in the next European Commission agenda, to co-design and co-develop health policies to ensure that these respond to citizens and frontline needs.

The meeting presented the six proposals for the next Thematic Network. These are:

  • Deinstitutionalisation and community care (including family-based and home care)
  • Improving organ donation and transplantation in the eu
  • Healthcare in cross-border regions
  • Enhancing citizen and patient empowerment and digital health literacy – edheal
  • Improving access to healthcare for vulnerable and underserved groups
  • Improving integrated people-centred healthcare solutions – incaso