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United for Universal Health Coverage

by efn efn

The economic crisis has significantly impacted health and social care sector with serious consequences on access to health and social care for the EU citizens and patients, despite the growing numbers of people living with co-morbidities and needing complex care interventions. In this context, integrated and continuity of care are paramount digital health policy priorities and should be upscaled with an end-user co-design EU strategy/roadmap, based on operational best practices.

As the single largest and most trusted health professional group, delivering the majority of health and social care across countries and settings, nurses are uniquely positioned to ensure effective, accessible and resilient health and social ecosystems in Europe. Their real-world experience is a vital resource to inform and support policy making at all stages: local, regional, national, EU and global level.

As such, and looking at the challenges growing all over the EU, especially with regard to the economy, demography, migration and welfare, there has never been a more important time to have health policies design shift from a disease-specific approach, towards a more holistic, continuous, and value-based system approach, to design a more people, citizen, and patient driven person-centred care system resourced with a highly qualified, motivated and supported nursing workforce. With the right knowledge, skills and opportunities, nurses are in a unique position to act as autonomous practitioners, and work actively towards containing and overcoming the major issues that challenge healthcare in the EU.

It is therefore key to ensure nurses and nursing meet society’s mandate to protect and promote the health of Europe’s citizens, through the provision of safe and high-quality nursing care across settings, regions and countries.