Home Latest News Wishing you all a good summer break!

Wishing you all a good summer break!

by efn efn

The first half of the year is now behind us. We can say that it has been quite intense political period with Council, European Parliament and Commission filing up top political positions. We congratulate Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel and David Sassoli for leading the EU the coming years. We look forward working with you all to solve the challenges the EU is facing, by building strong alliances with the EU Health Stakeholders in co-designing EU health & social policies (the pillar) that respond to the citizen’s needs.

With the support of its members, the EFN will continue to advocate for the promotion of empowered and skilled nurses to work to the full scope of their practice and potential, as critical element to ensure the best health and social care outcomes for patients and citizens, focussing on the EFN key topics such as education, workforce, quality & safety with crosscutting the digitalisation of the healthcare ecosystem.

But before continuing our joined political co-creation, it is time for all of us to take a well-deserved break, to load up the batteries!

We wish all the EFN Members and colleagues a relaxing summer holiday.