Home Latest News EFN joins the Coalition Platform to tackling antimicrobial resistance

EFN joins the Coalition Platform to tackling antimicrobial resistance

by efn efn

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major threat to the health of the citizens of the EU and beyond, and tackling it requires the combined efforts of all stakeholders. It is estimated that AMR causes about 33.000 deaths every year in the EU alone, and about 700.000 deaths in the world. Moreover, AMR poses extra pressure in our healthcare systems, which translates into economic losses of about €1.5 billion each year in the EU.

The EFN is committed to address the AMR problem and to bring it to the attention of EU policy makers and stakeholders. It is key that frontline nurses are involved in this challenge, due to their close relationship with patients and citizens. Moreover, nurses are one of the most influential health actors combating AMR in the frontline, ensuring that “fir-for-purpose” measures are always in place, for ensuring hygiene, infection control and prevention.

For that reason, health-related EU-based organizations, including the EFN, are signing an open letter to the Members of the European Parliament on the importance to sustain EU progress in fighting against AMR

In this letter, the signing organizations are calling the Members of the European Parliament to:

  1. Bring AMR to the forefront of EU interinstitutional discussions
  2. Support the establishment of a dedicated, holistic AMR parliamentary group

The EFN is very active on this topic, having published several videos, homepages (available here, here and here) and a position paper.