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Nurses´ contribution to wound management and patient safety

by efn efn

Chronic wounds, and pressure ulcers in concrete, greatly put financial pressure on our healthcare systems, rising its costs, and negatively influencing the health of patients. These occur in patients with transient or permanent reduced mobility, at any age. Sometimes these can be caused by the use of in situ medical devices.

Aiming at raising more awareness on this issue, which is linked to that of patient safety, the European Wound Management Association organizes an event at the European Parliament, to which the EFN is invited as a speaker.

The EFN discusses the risk factors and key avenues to foster patient safety – it relates to the role of nurses being the closest to the patients, the need to move care back to the communitypatient safety, and the need to strengthen continuity of care.

Our healthcare systems are in need of change, and nurses are ready to take the lead and to promote the patient-centredness of care.