Home Latest News WHO: Nurses and midwives: key to universal health coverage (click to see the video)

WHO: Nurses and midwives: key to universal health coverage (click to see the video)

by efn efn

The European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) is the European lead of the Nursing Now Campaign. Established in 1971, the EFN represents over three million nurses across 36 European countries represented by National Nursing Associations. The EFN is the independent voice of the nursing profession at European level.

For nearly 50 years, the EFN has been advocating to empower nurses to improve health globally, as they are uniquely placed representing half the health workforce of the world with skills and expertise to meet the health challenges across populations. Nursing Now Campaign and EFN have a complementary and shared agenda with a focus on advocating for policy changes to ensure nurses are central to achieving universal health coverage, developing primary health care, and tackling non-communicable diseases.

The EFN priorities are closely aligned with the Nursing Now Campaign calling for investment in the development of nurse-led clinics; primary and community care; prevention, promotion and health literacy; midwifery, child health and adolescent services; and development of more specialist/advanced nurses within and outside hospital settings. In addition, activities are linked to the global health workforce strategy and the five-year Action Plan of the Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth.

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Nurses and midwives play a crucial role in health promotion, disease prevention, treatment and care. The World Health Organization estimates that nurses and midwives represent nearly one-half of the total number of health workers around the world. However, for all countries to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3 on health and well-being for all at all ages, WHO estimates that the world will need an additional 9 million nurses and midwives by 2030.

This short video highlights the responsibilities of nurses and midwives, the challenges they face and what is needed to help them fulfil their full potential as key players in achieving universal health coverage.

The video has been produced for the launch of the Nursing Now campaign. This three-year global campaign, run in collaboration with the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization, aims to improve health globally by raising the profile and status of nurses worldwide – influencing policymakers and supporting nurses themselves to lead, learn and build a global movement.” – World Health Organization (WHO).