Home Latest News InteropEHRate partners and the EFN meeting in Athens, Greece

InteropEHRate partners and the EFN meeting in Athens, Greece

by efn efn

The EFN has met in Athens, Greece, with all consortium partners from the InteropEHRate (IEHR) project between 14-16 January. The organisations hosting this meeting were the Medical Association of Athens (ISA) and Hygeia Hospital. As a reminder, this project is overseeing the developing of a system of cross-border interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHR) that can be used across the whole of the EU. In developing it, it is looking at the needs and views of healthcare professionals, patients, and health researchers.

During this three-day meeting, participants looked at all that has been achieved during the first year of the project. Partners looked back at how the project began and all that it has achieved so far, including the development of three theoretical scenarios that are serving as the basis for developing the new systems for EHR. With that in mind, the meeting continued by planning all the steps that will have to be taken during the second year of the project and all that will have to be delivered. Finally, the IT developers of EHR also took this opportunity to meet with the end-users and foster a talk in co-design.

The EFN’s role is providing end-user input, giving great emphasis to the nurses’ needs and expectations on this project, as well as disseminating the project’s latest developments and outcome in front of the EU institutions and other health stakeholders.

There is a full list of project partners, together with a short description with their mission, online. The project’s coordinator is Engineering Ingegneria Informatica (ENG).