Home Latest News Wishing you all a good summer break!

Wishing you all a good summer break!

by efn efn

The first half of the year has been quite challenging for the nurses and the nursing profession, with a whole profession relentlessly caring for millions of citizens in unprecedented challenging times during the COVID-19 first wave, while currently preparing and strengthening our healthcare systems for possible future waves. Despite an obvious lack of resources and funds across many EU countries, our nurses with exceptional professionalism, commitment, expertise, and innovation did their absolute best to keep the pandemic under control and to maximise patient’s healthcare outcomes and recovery processes. As we continue to face a global pandemic we are reminded of the vital connection between our own wellness as nurses and that of our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the irreplaceable role of nurses as leaders, educators, innovators, and healers within our communities.

Much of our lives and work went online during the crisis. Although through online work, the EFN continued strengthening its advocacy and lobby work towards the EU Institutions, to make sure that the nurses had the appropriate resources to protect themselves, their colleagues, and patients in delivering appropriate COVID-19 care; and providing politicians and policy makers the nurses’ views and expertise to respond to this pandemic, and to get prepared for a second COVID-19 wave and any other future pandemic.

However, we all need to take a well-deserved break and recharge our batteries to face the upcoming months. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you, EFN Members and colleagues, a restful summer holidays and hope you come back full of energy.

Paul De Raeve
EFN Secretary General