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Digital & Innovation: Involve nurses in co-creation!

by efn efn

EFN Secretary General, Paul De Raeve, intervened as keynote speaker at CNAI event on “shaping the future for communities and health: innovation, challenges and success strategies”. The main purpose was to shed light on the main challenges and possibilities for shaping the best future ever for nurses and nursing profession in EU Member States.

Prof. Paul De Raeve focused the attention on the potential of digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to really support nurses in their daily frontline job. He stressed on the importance to create digital tools which can facilitate their working life! For achieving this goal, it is fundamental to give nurses the right digital skills and education, allowing them to derive a real benefit from these tools. All this is possible only by engaging nurses in the innovation process. Collaborate with frontline in co-creating digital innovation is key. As stated by EFN “We need evidence that shows that innovation is positive and that AI allows for the development of high quality and safe care.”

During the discussion intervened Dr. Julian Kerr, Consultant Nurse for the Care of Older People, who presented a new model established in UK “Advanced Practice in a community hospital” in which advanced clinical practitioners are running the healthcare system in the community. Very impressive innovation. They are nurses educated to Master’s level and have developed the skills and knowledge to allow them to take on expanded roles and scope of practice caring for patients. 
As Dr. Julian Kerr said “It is necessary to prove that investing in nurses is essential”.
Implementing this method also in Europe could be a great opportunity according to EFN Secretary General!

In conclusion, it is necessary to ensure that the digital and data revolution support and facilitate the shift towards a resilient healthcare ecosystem. 
EFN, representing 3 million nurses in the EU and 6 million in Europe, can support the boosts of the digitalisation process and the involvement of nurses in co-creation. 
This is an important initial step for creating the best digital tools which really support nurses and healthcare professionals in managing their daily job. Nurses’ voice is essential to build sustainability and resilience.
Involve nurses in co-creation, trust in innovation and shape the best EU future ever!