Home Latest News EFN Members support for our nurse colleagues from Ukraine

EFN Members support for our nurse colleagues from Ukraine

by efn efn
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The strength of cohesion and international cooperation of our nursing community must be stable, despite the military conflicts in the world. We, nurses are the pillars of health care and we bring comfort to all without distinction, even in times of crisis, misery and suffering. We nurses reject any conflict that results in pain, suffering, and loss of life. Europe needs stability, peace and prosperity for all nations. Let’s learn from history and do not repeat the mistakes of the past!

>> EFN Statement – EFN condemns Russian Federation military conflict

>> Letter from EFN Member – Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives

>> Letter from EFN Member – Swiss Nurses Association

>> Letter from EFN Member – Polish Nurses Association, together with Polish Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives, Polish National Trade Union of Nurses and Midwives, EFN and ICN.