Home Latest News Insecurity Insight – Violence Against or Obstruction of Health Care in Ukraine

Insecurity Insight – Violence Against or Obstruction of Health Care in Ukraine

by efn efn

The Insecurity Insight: Violence Against or Obstruction of Health Care in Ukraine a monitoring period from the day of the Russian invasion (February 24) through March 2. According to this report they have been identified “reports of 24 incidents where explosive weapons damaged hospitals. A doctor, ambulance driver and medical student have been reportedly killed in attacks. The armed violence has also hindered access to health care or forced health care providers to change how they were able to provide services. The conflict has also affected supply of drugs and other key medical supplies with crucial shortages for patients with long-term care needs”.

The European Federation of Nurses Association (EFN) statement issued on 1 March stated: “that the principle of human rights must be upheld and protected. Casualties and patients in Ukraine must have full access to healthcare. Healthcare professionals must not be prevented from performing their professional duties, and any action to prevent or sanction them for carrying out their duty of care to protect lives, contravenes international law… In solidarity with Ukrainian nursing leaders and all colleagues in neighboring countries, we stand together to condemn the military action and proactively support the protection of life and liberty”.

Insecurity Insight, EFN, ICN and many others are members of the Safeguarding Health In Conflict Coalition a group of over 40 international non-governmental organizations who are proactively working to protect all health workers, services, and infrastructure in conflict.

If you have additional information on an incident documented in the Violence Against or Obstruction of Health Care in Ukraine, or a new incident, please do not hesitate to get in touch email: info@insecurityinsight.org.  Join the Insecurity Insight Ukraine mailing list for future updates Insecurity Insight. Aid in Danger (list-manage.com). Visit their website Insecurity Insight Follow on Twitter Insecurity Insight (@InsecurityInsig) / Twitter .

At this stage, all possible support and help to the nurses and all the Ukrainian people is needed.

Stop violence, #NursesForPeace