Home Latest News Season’s Greetings to all of you and Good Wishes for 2022

Season’s Greetings to all of you and Good Wishes for 2022

by efn efn
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As 2021 comes to an end and a New Year dawns, it is a time to reflect on the unprecedented challenging times and our many achievements in order to plan for a brighter future. It is evident that COVID-19 is our ongoing reality with a resurgence of numbers in many countries. The EFN, in solidarity, is committed to redoubling its efforts to support the EU nurses at the frontline, our most valuable and precious resource. The EU is aware that a stronger Europe-wide coordination is required in relation to health, with more investment to build the foundations for a more resilient health system and better preparation for possible future health crises.

As such, in 2022, the EFN will continue to ensure every opportunity is taken to make sure nurses’ voices are represented and heard at EU level. The EFN, in partnership with its members, is committed and determined to ensure that the EFN EU policy agenda that includes education, workforce, and quality and safety, remains a priority on the national and EU political agendas. In parallel, the EFN will continue working on a number of EU projects uniquely contributing the perspective of nurses as end-users in order to develop fit-for-purpose solutions that can be effectively implemented. We live in the hope that the New Year and the many lessons learnt will bring significant change and an optimistic future.

Before we all take a good rest and enjoy our well-deserved Christmas holidays and end of the year celebrations, the EFN would like to thank you all for your continuous support and commitment to EFN. All this would not be possible without your continuous support towards EFN and the EU nurses.

I hope that you and your families remain well and stay safe in 2022, as we respectfully reflect on all our beloved colleagues, friends and families lost.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all of you.