Home Latest News Wishing you all a lovely summer break!

Wishing you all a lovely summer break!

by efn efn

After an intense first half of the year, with Belgium holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and its many different high-level summits relevant to nurses, that the EFN followed very closely, and the EU elections behind us, it is time for us to have a good rest to come back ready to continue to engage with EU Institutions, policymakers and stakeholders.

With Hungary holding the EU Presidency until December 2024, and the new EU leaders in Brussels (European Parliament, European Commission, and Council), it will be key to make things happen. Looking at the challenges growing all over the EU and effecting the nursing community, as huge nurses’ shortage, working conditions, or violence against women/nurses, just to name a few, the need for nursing education, for quality of care and patient safety is more than ever crucial. We need highly qualified and motivated nurses who safeguard citizens through the healthcare system. It is for sure time to act for the EU leaders and decision makers. It is crucial to make sure we have safe and resilient healthcare systems!

The EFN will continue lobbying the EU policy and decision makers, meeting the new EU leaders, and making sure that the nurses’ voice, views and expertise are taken into account in the EU policy debates of key concerns for the nurses and the nursing profession: Education, Workforce, Quality & Safety, including Digitalisation (see EFN SOLP 2021-2027).

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely and relaxing summer holiday. Enjoy it to the fullest and take time to recharge your batteries to face the upcoming challenges.

Paul De Raeve
EFN Secretary General