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ICUData4EU EU project

by efn efn

Being a key partner in the EU project ICUData4EU (under the Digital Europe programme), the EFN is aiming to bring nurses’ views and expertise as end-users to the project developments. Aiming at addressing the challenges that Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are facing, as aging society, shortage of specialised staff, with the possibility to also address crisis situations, as future pandemics or wars, the objective of this project is to develop an ICU Data Space that aligns with users’ requirements and matches with the real-world needs.  

The kick-off General Assembly held in Aachen, end of October, was a good opportunity for the partners to have a full overview on the different work packages, the work to be developed for each, and to get a view on the first steps to be done in the coming weeks/months, to get concrete deliverables up and running.

The concept of digital transformation is not always easy to understand, as it goes beyond developing new digital technologies – It is also about a fundamental shift of mindset and organisational structure. Therefore, the project is seeing it as crucial to have the views and inputs from both healthcare professionals and patients, but also technical experts which are needed to develop the infrastructure and technology. Next to that, it will be key to look at the data availability – what already exists in ICU setting, what makes sense to collect, how to collect it and what to do with this data.

Combined with governance mechanisms allowing secure cross-border access and use of ICU datasets, related tools and resources, the upcoming ‘Data Space for ICU data’ is aiming to be fully interoperable with the European Health Data Space (EHDS), and will contribute to the implementation of the objectives of Digital Europe programme with regards to deployment of Artificial Intelligence and the Best Use of Digital Capacity and Interoperability, as well as the promotion of Cybersecurity and Trust, and Advanced Digital Skills.

The ICUdata4EU brings together a strong consortium of 20 partners from all over Europe, from hospitals, SMEs, research institutions, industry, IT solution providers, governmental  authorities, EU stakeholders.