Home Latest News Nurses education = Women education

Nurses education = Women education

by efn efn

The modernisation of Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications Directive proposes to increase the entry requirement to the nursing education to 12 years of general education. This has been a huge political debate as German MEPs believe that all nurses will then become academics. Might this opposition be related to the fact that 95% of the nursing workforce in Europe are WOMEN?Nevertheless, in the same European Parliament, the Vice-chair of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, highlights in the Parliament publication the need to move away from past stereotypes and to boost the involvement of women in higher education, particularly in areas as science. Women educated at lower levels of education exacerbate discrimination on terms of women’s careers and their place in society. “It is necessary to pool our efforts in training from as early an age as possible but also facilitate women’s access to training throughout their lives”, she stressed.

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