Home Latest News EFN Secretary General meets FNIB and Nursing Journalists in Brussels

EFN Secretary General meets FNIB and Nursing Journalists in Brussels

by efn efn

The EFN Secretary General today met with the Belgian Nurses Association (FNIB) and nursing journalists from across Europe (Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland, and the UK) to discuss the role of the EFN and the state of nursing in Europe. The EFN Secretary General gave a presentation on the EFN’s key priorities and the EU lobby process after which there was an open, informal question and answer session. The nursing journalists were particularly interested in hearing about recent developments on Directive 36, nursing research, and the effects of the financial crisis on nursing in Europe. The EFN highly appreciates these opportunities to meet with nursing journalists as it is important to engage the media in the EFN’s daily work in order to raise awareness on crucial issues for nurses across Europe.