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Stop Pay Cut to Qualified Irish Nurses!

by efn efn

The Irish government and Department of Health launched the “New Graduate Jobs initiative” to recruit 1,000 newly graduated nurses at 80% of the agreed pay rates (i.e. 21,766 euro – just above minimum wage), and is foreseeing to extend the closing date for the jobs and open the positions for 2010 and 2011 graduates. This will mean a pay cut of between 6,000 and 11,000 euro per annum from their starting salary. Therefore, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO), a member of EFN, initiated a campaign aiming to boycott these underpaid jobs. The EFN totally supports INMO Campaign and believes that the decision of the Irish Government will negatively impact on the nursing workforce planning and the quality and safety of care.  In a letter sent to the Irish government & representatives (including the President, the Minister of Health, the MEPs, and EU permanent representatives), the EFN urges the Irish Department of Health and the Minister of Health to: immediately cancel the ‘New Graduates Job Initiative’ as it targets only nurses, mainly women, who already suffered enough from your on-going austerity measures; and more respect the nurses’ contribution to the healthcare system, by providing nurse graduates a decent salary, not just above minimum wage.

EFN Members & EU alliances support the Irish Nurses & Midwives Organisation campaign: