Home Latest News Today’s Mother Day & Nurses Day 2013

Today’s Mother Day & Nurses Day 2013

by efn efn

The EFN is very happy to celebrate this very important date! Two celebrations in one! Celebrating to highlight nurses daily contribution to patient care, the healthcare systems changes, and the society as a whole taking into account their key role in the access for all citizens to high quality and safe care.

All over Europe, equal access to healthcare is central in the healthcare systems, although the complexity of the current systems makes crucial to constantly educate, use new technologies and empower patients in the process of care. Nurses paramount role in health literacy, as part of patient empowerment and engagement is key achieving better patient outcomes. This is also seen as a way to build public understanding and to foster trust between governments and the citizens; and as such increase the legitimacy of policy action and implementation.

In this important day for nurses and nursing, the EFN encourages the EU Institutions and the EU Member States to reinforce the Single Market based on investing in education, e-health services, nursing and social care innovation for integrated care, including patient empowerment, and sharing new knowledge to advance clinical, governance and leadership practices there where citizens live and work.