Dear Reader!
Back from holiday! We all enjoyed it! We enjoyed the food in Spain, Italy and Portugal. The sun and family and friends around us gave us energy for the coming months! And we will need this energy!
We will be very mobile in the EU due to different Joint Action meetings on EU Workforce and the one on Quality and Safety. The Work packages on sustainability are coming up and this is always quite political: what will happen when the Joint Action ends!
We will be also moving to FYR of Macedonia where the next EFN General Assembly will take place. And a new EFN President will be elected! Exciting for all of us!
More important, we will be negotiating the Grant Agreement of ENS4Care, a new European Project EFN will be the coordinator off. We have a strong team of partners and WP leaders.
So yes, the energy is present, the roadmap is present, now we just need to push it further.
Welcome back!
Paul, Silvia, Alessia, Fatima