Home Latest News ALEC 2014 – International Arctic Light e-Health Conference

ALEC 2014 – International Arctic Light e-Health Conference

by efn efn

“Technology by itself would not lead to innovation and sustainability
although eHealth has huge potentials in fostering communication and collaboration
between professionals, patients and citizens” (Paul De Raeve, 4 February 2014).

On the occasion of the ALEC 2014, held in Kiruna (Sweden) from 3 to 6 February, the EFN Secretary General, Paul De Raeve, and EPF President, Anders Olauson, made a joined presentation on “The patients and the health professionals of the future – mobile and co-creative”. The key message was clear, yes, ehealth, telehealth, e-services OK, but do not develop just to develop. Engage with key stakeholders such as patients and nurses to deliver ‘fit for practice’ innovative solutions to empower patients, make health systems sustainable and more accessible.

President Toomas Hendrik Ilves of the Republic of Estonia stressed the importance of a data warehouse, secured, where patient data are owned by the patients. The combining of data will serve to redesign the healthcare system.

Impressive were also the many contacts with members of Vardförbundet (Member of EFN), their views on ehealth services and the way forward to a standardised approach. Nursing researchers from Norrbotten expressed their interest towards researching societal change and public health while linking other Industries to health and nursing: a collaboration for sustainable change.

The conference, organised by the Assembly of European Regions (AER), and hosted by Agneta Granström, a nurse in politics, was a huge success. The EFN would like to congratulate her and AER for their leadership.