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ENS4Care questionnaire to collect practices on ICT tools/systems for nurses and social workers

by efn efn

The EFN is pleased to announce the launched of ENS4Care questionnaire to collect key information on examples of good practices (e.g. online platforms, services, products, protocols, guidance, clinical guidelines, education and training programes, etc.) in the EU and EEA countries as regard, nurses and/or social workers use of ICT tools/systems in one of the following areas: prevention, clinical practice, advanced roles and nurse ePrescribing.

To provide your input please click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/G8837QJ

The questionnaire will be open until 14 March 2014.

The Thematic Network ENS4Care is an EU funded programme of 24 partners led by the European Federation of Nurses Associations, which is expected over two year period to deliver evidence based ICT (Information and Communication Technology) guidelines for the implementation of eHealth services in nursing and  social care.