Home Latest News World Health Day on April 7 – Healthcare Professionals to stop smoking

World Health Day on April 7 – Healthcare Professionals to stop smoking

by efn efn

The EFN supports the ENSH Module on Tobacco Control in Health Care Services, whose objective is to promote smoke-free hospitals, making them more attractive for healthcare professionals!

All nurses and health professionals should not only work in smoke-free health care centers but should all supported to be non-smokers. Doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and healthcare students are key figures in giving good examples of healthy lifestyles to patients and in promoting and protecting public health. Smoking cessation helps to live longer, to have a healthier life as well as to protect the health of family, friends, colleagues and patients; in addition, second-hand smoke can cause cancer, heart disease and other illnesses in people who don’t smoke and healthcare professionals can play a key role in creating environments safe from second-hand smoke exposure.

Nurses who lead healthy lifestyles that promote well-being are more likely to instruct and empower their patients to do so.

A tobacco-free lifestyle offers many benefits that will last a lifetime. Healthcare professionals working in health care centres should be the first ones giving the good example!

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