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Nurses: A force for change

by efn efn

Thanks to the increasing focus on human rights and equality, political leaders become more aware of the vital role that adequately educated and fit for practice nurses play in delivering high quality and safe health services to the entire population.

With the upcoming European Parliamentary Elections, nurses’ vote is crucial to bring to Brussels politicians who care about those who care. On the International Nurses’ Day, the EFN calls on future elected MEPs to champion a highly educated, supported and developed nursing workforce in the right numbers to deliver person-centred care and promote health in the EU.

Without a proper education, in compliance with Directive 2013/55/EU, and a sufficient amount of motivated nurses, the healthcare system will not be able to reform itself towards a person-centred system. With the proper investments and efforts, nurses will be able to contribute to a sustainable health system reform benefiting health promotion and prevention and citizens’ and patients’ empowerment within the system.