Home Latest News Recommended actions in 2014

Recommended actions in 2014

by efn efn

In the framework of the fourth European Semester of economic policy coordination, the European Commission published on 2 June 2014 a set of country-specific recommendations for actions in 2014 in order to strengthen the policy actions at national level to boost growth and increase job and competitiveness.

As regards health, the Commission continues highlighting the importance of the healthcare system reforms to ensure cost-effectiveness and their sustainability. Given the increasing ageing population, part of the recommendations focused on the urgent need to strengthen the primary care sector, key area for actionfor the nursing workforce. The health recommendations were addressed to 15 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

For an overview of the 2014 recommendations by country, please follow the link: overview recommendations 2014 by member state