Home Latest News New EU Commission portfolios unveiled!

New EU Commission portfolios unveiled!

by efn efn

The elected European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, announced today the portfolios’ assignments of the new 27 EU Commissioners, and the way work will be organised in the European Commission once it takes office:

1. Vice-Presidents (including a High Representative)
   (All leading a project team – composition that may change according to the needs
    and/or projects)

  • Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law & the Charter of Fundamental Rights – Frans Timmermans (S&D, The Netherlands) – 1st Vice-President
  • Union for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy – Federica Mogherini (S&D, Italy) – High Representative
  • Budget & Human Resources – Kristalina Georgieva (EPP, Bulgaria)
  • Digital Single Market – Andrus Ansip (ALDE, Estonia)
  • Energy Union – Alenka Bratusek (EPP, Slovenia)
  • Euro & Social Dialogue – Valdis Dombrovkis (EPP, Latvia)
  • Jobs, Growth, Investment & Competitiveness – Jyrki Katainen (EPP, Finland)

2. Members of the Commission

  • Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SME – Elżbieta Bieńkowska (EPP, Poland)
  • Health and Food Safety – Vytenis Andriukaitis (S&D, Lithuania)
  • Employment, Social Affairs, Skills & Labour Mobility – Marianne Thyssen (EPP, Belgium)
  • Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship – Tibor Navracsics (EPP, Hungary)
  • Research, Science & Innovation – Carlos Moedas (EPP, Portugal)
  • Regional Policy – Corina Creţu (S&D, Romania)
  • Migration & Home Affairs – Dimitris Avramopoulos (EPP, Greece)
  • European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations – Johannes Hahn (EPP, Austria)
  • International Cooperation & Development – Neven Mimica (S&D, Croatia)
  • Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs – Pierre Moscovici (S&D, France)
  • Financial Stability, Financial Services & Capital Markets Union – Jonathan Hill (ECR, UK)
  • Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality – Věra Jourová (ALDE, Czech Republic)
  • Agriculture & Rural Development – Phil Hogan (EPP, Ireland)
  • Trade – Cecilia Malmström (ALDE, Sweden)
  • Competition – Margrethe Vetager (ALDE, Denmark)
  • Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries – Karmenu Vella (S&D, Malta)
  • Transport & Space – Maroš Šefčovič (S&D, Slovakia)
  • Digital Economy & Society – Günther Oettinger (EPP, Germany)
  • Climate Action & Energy – Miguel Arias Cañete (EPP, Spain)
  • Humanitarian Aid & Crisis Management – Christos Stylianides (EPP, Cyprus)

The college of commissioners (which includes 9 female and 19 male, and 7 Commissioners from Barroso’s team) will now have to be approved by the European Parliament on 20-23 October. If confirmed, the new European Commission (2014-2019) will take office on 1 November 2014.