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ENSA legally established for the EU

by efn efn

Ina Siby (ENSA President) & Margrete Schwarz Kanstad (ENSA Vice-President) both signed on 2 October 2014 the ENSA constitution with the Belgium notaire and EFN lawyer. Today, 3 October 2014, they opened a bank account, in Brussels, for ENSA.

Through a communication sent out to the EFN members they expressed their gratitude toward the Belgium National Nurses’ Association, especially Yves Mengal, who made it possible to have ENSA official address in Brussels, and to Paul De Raeve, EFN Secretary General, for his continuous support to ENSA in making this a reality. By having an ENSA constitution, a bank account and an address in Brussels, ENSA becomes an official stakeholder at EU level.

They also took this opportunity to thank all National Nurses’ Associations who support them to move, together with EFN, towards EU environments in which ENSA can talk with a united voice.