Home Latest News Single Market Forum 2014 conference on the European Professional Card

Single Market Forum 2014 conference on the European Professional Card

by efn efn

Taking into account the EU objective to have the first European Professional Card delivered in 2016, the Single Market Forum 2014 Conference held in Rome on 1st December focused on the benefits and challenges of the development of the European Professional Card (EPC) and the views of the professional organisations. The aim of this meeting was to present EPC political background, on-going work, and discuss EPC potential to facilitate the recognition process in the EU. Nurses will be amongst the first wave of 5 professions that will implement the EPC.

This conference highlighted that there are still issues about professional’s recognition and mobility that can be strengthened and in that sense, the modernised directive has still to work on ensuring an appropriate implementation at national level, which will ultimately allow a trustful, transparent and reliable system of recognition. Strengthening the Single Market will bring opportunities for young people for mobility. This is a priority for Juncker’s Commission and Europe has a duty to respond meaningfully to EU citizens in this regard.

Issuing any EPC has to come after ensuring that the respective qualifications are meeting the requirements of Article 31 and Annexe V, and in that context, the EFN will continue working together with educators, regulators and professional organisation to ensure that the modernised education requirements are appropriately implemented in all nursing curricula of all Member States.