Home Latest News International Nurses’ Day 2015 – “Nurses: A Force for Patient/Citizens Empowerment”

International Nurses’ Day 2015 – “Nurses: A Force for Patient/Citizens Empowerment”

by efn efn

Thanks to the increasing focus on patient empowerment, political leaders become more aware of the vital role nurses play in empowering patients and citizens in the process of continuity of care. eHealth services start playing a crucial role in integrated care.

On the International Nurses’ Day, which falls together with the celebration at the European Parliament of the 9th Edition of the European Patients’ Rights Day, both the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) and Active Citizenship Network (ACN) advocate for a highly educated, supported and developed nursing workforce in the right numbers to deliver person-centred care in which eHealth services are oriented to support better patient/citizens outcomes.

Only with a proper education, in compliance with the competency based Directive 2013/55/EU, and a sufficient amount of motivated nurses, the traditional medical & disease-based model can be transformed into an integrated model in which eHealth/mHealth supports nurses and patients/citizens in designing a person-centred approached to care.

With the proper investments and efforts, nurses and citizens will be able to contribute to a sustainable health system reform with patient empowerment as key driver. This development will certainly provide evidence of commitments to improve patients’ rights, which are included in the European Charter of Patients’ Rights, in Europe and in each Member State.

You probably know a nurse!
Congratulate her/him today!
Forward this email as a signal of appreciation!

*** END ***

For further information, please contact:
Mr Paul de Raeve,
General Secretary, European Federation of Nurses Associations
Email: efn@efn.eu – Tel: +32 (0)2 512 74 19 – Web: www.efnweb.eu

Mr Alessandro Cossu, Head of Communication Office, Active Citizenship Network
Email: press@activecitizenship.net – Tel: +39 348 3347608 –
Web: www.activecitizenship.net

Note for Editors:
International Nurses’ Day:
Celebrated every year by nurses worldwide on 12 May, the International Nurses’ Day commemorates the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. This year, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) chose “Nurses: A Force for Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective” as the theme for this important day. The EFN goes a step further and states that “Nurses are a force for patients’/citizens’ empowerment”. The EFN believes that patient empowerment and engagement are central for realising self-management and orienting citizens to actively contribute to their own health improvement and well-being. As such, the EFN is committed to support and advocate for strategies and policies that place “patient empowerment” at the centre of healthcare design in order to maintain and improve high quality, safe, and effective services.

European Patients’ Rights Day & European Charter of Patients’ Rights: The European Patients’ Rights Day has been celebrated for nine years, an initiative created by civic associations and already included in the European political agenda. The European Charter of Patients’ Rights states 14 patients’ rights that together aim to guarantee a “high level of human health protection” (Article 35 of the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union) and to assure the high quality of services provided by the various national health services in Europe.