Home Daily Lobby Insights EFN President participates at the Ordem dos Enfermeiros IV Congress

EFN President participates at the Ordem dos Enfermeiros IV Congress

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Invited as keynote speaker at the IV Congress of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros, the EFN President, Marianne Sipilä, highlighted  the EFN views/experience on the professional recertification and mobility considering the changes on the rules for continuous professional development introduced by the European Directive 2013/55/UE, including the competencies required for nurses and advanced roles in nursing.

The EFN President took this opportunity to stress the fact that the health status of the population is changing as life expectancy is increasing. Many chronic diseases and complex care needs require attention from a range of professionals, especially from nurses, from primary and secondary health and social care sectors. Also eHealth is becoming increasingly important to deliver high quality care to all European citizens. Therefore, the modernised Directive 55, especially article 31 on the nurses’ competencies, is key to strengthen the nursing workforce and as such support the RN4cast findings (Aiken, 2014).

Organised in Lisbon on 10-12 May 2015, under the theme “Leadership in Health, building alternatives”, the event brought together 800 participants.