Home Latest News Antimicrobial Resistance – European Commission, Member States and Stakeholders meet to discuss next steps!

Antimicrobial Resistance – European Commission, Member States and Stakeholders meet to discuss next steps!

by efn efn

The EFN welcomes all initiatives that strengthen civil society in combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The European Commission is preparing a new EU Action Plan, has initiated a Joint Action, and will grant an awards to the three NGOs with best practices in combatting AMR. Those are momentous actions, more of which are needed in order to achieve better results!

Tackling AMR from the perspective of the prescribers achieves the best results and is the focus of the upcoming “guidelines on prudent use of antimicrobials in human health” that the Commission will publish soon. In this context the EFN guidelines on e-prescribing are key to make progress, to change the existing culture of prescribing. This culture is identified as by many experts as a main difficulty to overcome in the future. Antibiotics are always prescribed, so let’s reduce resistance by more efficient prescribing!

Innovation is therefore key to make it all happen at the frontline! We need to push for change and nurses, healthcare professionals, policy-makers but also the industry, play a crucial role in changing culture, in changing behaviour. Prescribers’ behaviour needs to evolve!

But let’s not forget about the role of the patient and the general public. Stewardship, a well-informed public, and aware patients, are of utmost importance for tackling AMR. And central in this is the role of healthcare professionals, and especially nurses, taking into account their daily and direct contact with patients, as well as the coaching role they often have!