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Nursing Now! Campaign

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Nursing Now! is a campaign focused on raising the status and profile of nursing globally and maximise the contribution that nursing makes to Universal Health Coverage, women’s empowerment and economic development. Under the leadership of Lord Crisp, the Nursing Now! global campaign will build on nurses’ unique position as the health professionals who are at the heart of every health system, provide continuity of care for their patients and are part of their local community. The campaign aims to raise the status and profile of nursing globally so that it can make an even greater contribution to improving health and well-being. The Campaign will be launched in early 2018, and will position nursing more central to health policy and ensure that nurses can use their skills, education and training to their full capacity. The campaign will work with the World Health Organization, United Nation Women and other bodies to ensure that its activities are linked with the global health workforce strategy and the five-year Action Plan of the Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, in addition to other global strategies.

Janet Davies, CEO and General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing (UK), supported the nomination of Elizabeth Adams, Director of the Richmond and Director of Professional Development INMO & EFN President, to the Board to represent the European Region, who had the opportunity to meet with Lord Crisp at the Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in Dublin.