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Health priorities must be delineated by frontline.

by efn efn

“Ten years after the crash, after 10 years of austerity and 10 years of paying their taxes and seeing public services cut, people have had enough”. UK shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, Davos, 26/01/2018.

Asked what his message was to Davos, McDonnell said: “Pay your workers a living wage”.

From 23 to 26 January, the Swiss mountain village of Davos will host the 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. The summit gathers the world’s top leaders in collaborative activities to shape the global, regional and industry agendas, with the mission to develop a shared narrative to improve the state of the world. But where is frontline? Who represents them politically? Is their voice heard?

In line with the initiative “Shaping the future of Health and Healthcare”, the Forum is working on three health challenges: accelerating value-based healthcare, contributing to universal health coverage, and advancing precision medicine, three focus points where nurses have their contribution to make, to get it right from the start.

The initiatives launched to address these issues include a Value in Healthcare project aiming to stimulate healthcare reform by identifying how to deliver health outcomes that matter to patients; a Primary Care Coalition project to improve access to healthcare by forming a coalition to develop a sustainable, affordable and proven model for primary healthcare; and a Precision Medicine project on emerging technologies and more targeted approaches to health.

EFN has all confidence that the global health agenda gets inspired by the EU and civil society stakeholders. It is key the industry and civil society talk and find a common ground of investment, so to reach the highest return on investment. The input of frontline is crucial to codesign new models of care, as shown in the ENS4Care project, where EFN collected 175 existing innovations, which then led to 5 EU guidelines on eHealth services in nursing and social care. In the long run, the industry has all interest frontline works with their innovations. This is only possible through co-design.

So, Davos outlined health priorities are key for EFN.