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International Women Day

by efn efn

Since the economic crisis hit Europe in 2008, women have experienced the worst consequences of the spending review policies reflected in their working conditions. This problem is well known to the nursing profession that counts a female composition of 92%, with 2,5 million women in the workforce.

The EFN 36 Member Associations have observed the negative effects that the crisis had on nurses and nursing with a strong reduction in nurses’ posts, pay cuts, and salary freezes. In effect, too often women in nursing experience very low salaries and demanding hours, conditions that are making the profession too hard to stay in. These issues are significantly affecting the recruitment and retention rates, with negative effect on the quality and safety of care.

To keep women performing the job they love, the European Commission needs to ensure a coherent implementation of the European Social Pillar principles related to the right to fair wages and gender equality. To this purpose, the EFN calls on the Commission to investigate and implement a decent pay for nurses compared to other professions. In parallel, the EFN welcomes the Action Plan on Tackling the Gender Pay Gap.

During the last year, many famous and influential women have gathered to state that time for change is up! Women are key players of the future and they need to be empowered to lead change!

Also of key concern for nurses is the violence against women. On this International Women’s Day occasion, the European Commission released a video to raise awareness about everyday violence against women. A small act can create a big impact, but many small acts can change society! To see the video, click here.